KVK showcases farm technologies at agricultural exhibition:
KVK showcases farm technologies at agricultural exhibition
The TNAU centres namely Krishi Vigyan Kendras (agricultural science centres) at Sandhiyur in Salem, Paparappatti in Dharmapuri, and Tindivanam in Villupuram , along with the Tapioca and Castor Research Centre at Yethapur in Salem, have put up stalls at the exhibition organised jointly by the Salem District Agriculture Graduates Advisory and Service Society, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Salem and Kontak Exhibitions. The exhibition commenced at the Deiveegam Marriage Hall in the city on Friday.
The TNAU, based on the recommendation of the Education Commission, set up KVKs in the rural areas for imparting vocational training to farmers, and field-level extension functionaries, more than four decades ago.
Sandhiyur KVK has showcased the farm technologies with special focus on minor millets and its value-added products, sustainable sugarcane initiatives and system of rice intensification. Agri inputs, seeds, seedlings and value-added products produced at KVK Sandhiyur have been displayed.
The products displayed at the exhibition can be purchased at the sales centre recently established at KVK, Sandhiyur farm, according to N. Sriram, Programme coordinator, KVK -Sandhiyur.
The live crops of fox tail millets and small millets have been displayed in the stall put up by the KVK, Paparapatti, Dharmapuri. It has also exhibited precision farming and horticultural technologies.
The Paparapatti KVK has showcased successful crop produces harvested adopting precision farming technologies.
The KVK –Tindivanam has highlighted the technologies related to integrated pest management, model mushroom units, and incubators.
The KVK publications explaining the latest farm technologies available here are in good demand at the expo.
The Tapioca and Castor Research Station functioning at Yethapur have showcased the new tapioca hybrid Yethapur 1, new castor hybrid Yethapur 1 and value added products from Tapioca and castor. With the commencement of the tapioca harvest season in the western districts, a large number of tapioca farmers are evincing interest in visiting this stall.
Vegetable seeds
The vegetable seeds produced by TNAU are available for sale in the stalls. The tapioca varieties developed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) are also on display.
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