Civil Supplies Minister Paritala Sunitha on Thursday inaugurated the groundnut seed distribution programme at the Anantapur market yard along with collector Kona Sasidhar, formally kicking off the annual seed distribution programme ahead of the kharif season.
Ms. Sunitha said the seed distribution programme was being inaugurated in all mandal centres across the district by the respective legislators or MLCs . She said 3.90 lakh quintals of groundnut seed was expected to be distributed to farmers across the district.
A maximum of three bags each of 30 kg of seed would be given to any farmer based on the acreage owned by the farmer, at a cost of Rs. 1,500 per bag, post-subtraction of the subsidy being given by the government, said Mr. Sasidhar.
He said the district administration had also inaugurated a novel method of distribution to ensure that all eligible farmers got their entitlement of seeds while pilferage was eliminated.
A system in which each farmer would be identified by his Aadhaar card and the associated biometric details identifying the person in front of the seed distribution official would ensure that pilferage was all but eliminated, while no eligible farmer needs to go back empty-handed.
The system has been readied and seems to be working flawlessly, said Mr. Sasidhar.
He appealed to the farming community to exercise restraint at the seed distribution centres assuring them that seeds were brought to the district in adequate quantum and all would get their entitlement Mr. Sasidhar said 21,000 farm ponds had been constructed in the district, while 58,000 more were in various stages of completion, placing the district not only the first in the state in the Panta sanjeevani programme, but also the most enabled to trap the coveted rainwater and increase the acquifiers.
Source : The Hindu
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