Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bio-control agents from KVK launched

The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, (KVK) Ernakulam of ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has commenced supply of four types of bio-control agents through its sales counter at CMFRI. The bio-control agents are used to control pest and diseases in crops in an organic way by utilising certain beneficial micro organisms that have parasitic effect on insects and disease-causing microbes. Trichoderma, pseudomonas, verticilium and beaveria are the bio-control agents currently made available for sale in one kg packets, said a press release here. The microbes are embedded in inert powder medium. Farmers need to activate the microbes as per the prescribed procedure just before applying them to the crops. The bio-control agents supplied by KVK are produced at the Rice Research Station, Vytila by Kerala Agricultural University, the press release added. Trichodermais a beneficial fungi that can control most of the soil-borne fungal diseases in crops.Psuedomonas is a beneficial bacteria that generates certain enzymes and hormones which enhances plant growth while controlling disease-causing bacteria and fungi in crops. Verticillium is an entomopathogenic fungus. This produces toxins which infect aphids, white flies, rust fungi, scale insects and lead to the death of the host.
Beauveria is a fungus that acts as a parasite on various insects attacking on crops. Beauveria can be used as a biological insecticide to control a number of pests such as termites and whiteflies.

Source : The Hindu

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