The hills and valleys of the coffee-grown high range are now covered with a white carpet of flowers. The air is filled with a subtle aroma of coffee flowers that one can experience only once a year.
This flowering season kindles hope for the farmers to the next harvesting season that will begin by December.
Like the Neelakurinji and cherry blossom, the unified flowering season of coffee plants rejuvenates the body and mind like a cup of coffee in the morning. No other cash crop has the unique feature of a unified flowering season as that of blossoming coffee.
The flowers are a signal to the crop pattern of the coming harvesting season.
If the plants are filled with the flowers, farmers say there will be a good crop in the next season.
The rock-bees make it a feast as the flowers are a favourite honey agent for them.
As the coffee plant is less sensitive to the vagaries of climatic changes, it is mostly free of chemical pesticide and fertilizer application. It is the one that provides a predictable crop pattern through the flowering season.
There are different flowering seasons for each variety like Robusta and Arabica. Robusta is the largely grown variety in the district.

Source : The Hindu