Friday, October 2, 2015

TNAU scientists warn pomegranate farmers of nematodes :

Pomegranate cultivators in the region have been encountering issues like yellowing of leaves, stunting and less productivity of fruit.

The department of nematology of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University on research has identified a root knot nematode to be the cause of the problem.

According to scientists of the department K Poornima, S Ramakrishnan and S Subrmaniam, the root knot nematode identified in the pomegranate crops has not been documented in Tamil Nadu before. "So, it could have spread from other states during the transport of saplings," said a press release issued by TNAU.

At present, the area under pomegranate is increasing steadily in Coimbatore, Erode, Dindigul and Tirunelveli districts of Tamil Nadu due to its monetary returns and import value.

TNAU scientists assayed soil and root samples of the pomegranate trees in the region and have then confirmed the presence of the root knot nematode.

Based on the analysis done by the scientists of the nematology department, pomegranate growers are advised to subject their soil and root samples for nematode analysis by sending the samples to the department of nematology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

Meanwhile, farmers have also been advised to apply farmyard manure 20tonnes/ha, neemcake 250g/tree followed by bioagent Paecilomyces lilacinus 25g/plant to manage nematode problem in pomegranate and to increase crop productivity.

Source : Times of India

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