Wednesday, October 28, 2015

3 veggies you should not eat without boiling

3 veggies you should not eat without boiling

Regardless of what you are told often, raw isn't always good. It is true that cooking some vegetables can destroy its nutrients but some vegetables need boiling to unleash their true nutritional value. Here they are:

Root vegetables: Root vegetables, such as potatoes and turnips contain a lot of fiber, as well as vitamins. Choosing root vegetables with dark skins are more likely to have better health benefits. Boil them with the skins, and peel them before eating if necessary, this is a great way to help keep all of those benefits while cooking.

Asparagus: Asparagus, when steamed, will retain all of its miracle properties. This vegetable is great for protecting your heart, and your nervous system. Be careful in the steaming process, as most of the benefits can disappear with too much heat.

Broccoli: Broccoli is a commonly consumed vegetable. Recent studies have shown that this vegetable has more benefits after it has been steamed rather than in its raw form. It has properties that are great for the cells, and even considered as cancer fighting. It is a great source for vitamin C.

Source : Times of India 

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