To help shrimp farmers in Tamil Nadu improve their productivity and reduce the amount of feed needed for farms, the Tamil Nadu Fisheries University has successfully conducted a trial of a new technology that increases the size of the shrimp larvae before they are introduced into the farm.
Earlier, farmers would have to grow shrimp from a size of 10 mg, but the new technology increases the size of the larvae to 90-95 mg. This improves their survival rate and reduces the duration of the crop. Currently, the survival rate of larva is around 65 per cent; but with the Aerobic Microbial Floc-driven nursery raceway technology, the survival rate increases to over 90 per cent, Dean (in-charge) S. Felix said.
“The university’s Advanced Research Farm Facility at Madhavaram has installed two raceways with 50-tonne capacity each with aeration. Instead of plankton feed, we utilised heterotropic microbes that do not need sunlight and control the ammonia production. This 21-day trial has been successful, and we plan to introduce post larvae 30 stocking instead of PL 11-12 directly from hatcheries to shrimp farmers,” S. Vijayakumar, Secretary, Dairy Development, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, told The Hindu. Such stocking would reduce the duration in the grow-out ponds by 25-30 days and feed conversion ratio by 10-30 per cent, he said.
Source : The Hindu
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