The first regulated market for paddy in Madurai, where farmers can directly sell their produce to buyers through auction, was opened at Mattuthavani here on Friday in time for kuruvai crop. J. Thavasumuthu, secretary, Madurai Market Committee, which operates the market under the control of Department of Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business, said that though regulated market for crops was introduced in the State more than three decades back, this is the first time that a market for paddy had been opened in the southern districts. Such a facility was functioning in Thanjavur district, and for turmeric in Erode district. On the opening day, three farmers and three rice mill owners participated in the auction. According to Mr. Thavasumuthu, the farmers received Rs. 1,100 per 55 kg of fine quality paddy and Rs. 950 per 55 kg for second quality paddy. “This is Rs. 100 to Rs. 150 more than what the farmers could have got if sold through the intermediary commission agents,” he said.
He said that the regulated market for paddy was beneficial for buyers also as they need not pay a commission of 1.5 percent to agents. Though the transportation cost for bringing in the produce to the market should be borne by the farmers and taking it out after procurement should be borne by the buyers, Mr. Thavasumuthu said that it would still be profitable for farmers and buyers. “We have also received written assurance from rice mill owners’ association comprising 128 mills that they would continue to procure from the regulated market,” he said.
The second regulated market for paddy would be opened in Vadipatti on Monday. The markets in Tirumangalam and Usilampatti would be opened in January. While the market at Mattuthavani will function every day except government holidays, the market at Vadipatti would function for two days in a week.

Source : The Hindu