Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Foods that help you sleep better at night

Foods that help you sleep better at night

Not many people are lucky enough to fall off to sleep within seconds of hitting their pillow. Many people find it tough to fall asleep at night.

And there are also those who wake up in the middle of the night and are then unable to sleep again. There could be several reasons for this — stress, an underlying illness, depression. Experts, however, say that if there is no particular serious cause, one could try eating certain foods that will help them sleep better.

- Make sure that you eat eggs for breakfast. Eggs contain amino acids that are known to activate neurons which produce orexins. These are said to help adjust your REM sleep and also ensure that you don't feel sleepy during the day.

- Whether you're a juice person or not, you need to know this — cherry juice is extremely beneficial when it comes to a good night's sleep. Have a glass of cherry juice daily if you have trouble sleeping properly at night.

- Don't stay away from rice with the fear that it will make you gain weight. Keep the quantity small if you must but ensure that rice, especially jasmine rice is a regular part of your diet if you wish to sleep better. This is because it contains a high level of glycemic index. And foods that are high in glycemic index foods generate the sleep inducing amino acid, tryptophan.

Source : Times of India

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